Natural Resources
Terridea is home to a wide variety of natural resources unique to the planet, including many types of stone, plants, and precious gems.

(placeholder) The closest Earth equivalent to pillowstone, which in this case are literal pillows shaped like rocks.
A squishy, spongy rock that stiffens up when exposed to water. Its structure is cake-like, though surprisingly resilient to being cut, and it forms in oval shapes that look very much like large, smooth pebbles. Wet molding, the main method of “sculpting” pieces of pillowstone, involves encasing chunks of pillowstone in pre-frozen molds made of ice, which are slowly melted over a long period of time. As the stone absorbs the water, it hardens in the shape of the mold, and when kept in this state for long periods of time it will retain its shape.

(placeholder) The closest Earth equivalent to bonesap, the gemstone amber.
An amber-colored crystal made from a specialized type of tree sap. Originally harvested in liquid form, it is commonly used to cast a solid framework for taxidermy and to contain relics, as it has the power to preserve and protect objects from deteriorating or decaying. However, it has no effect on living beings, rendering “immortality” charms and jewelry impossible, though this is a common scam in some places.
Desert Wool

(placeholder) The closest Earth equivalent to desert wool, steel wool, which is essentially a much heavier version.
An iridescent gray material similar in appearance to steel wool, but with the texture of organic sheep’s wool. Desert wool is created through a chemical reaction between sand and a special red mineral powder that causes grains of sand to explode into stringy webbing on contact. It is used by tagarou in the Red Desert, Goldsands, and Starsands to create textiles with unique cooling and protective properties. Depending on the sand color that was used to create it, desert wool can have undertones of gold, silver, copper, or blue-gray.